Uses of Class

Packages that use GraphModel

Uses of GraphModel in fbench.graph

Methods in fbench.graph that return GraphModel
 GraphModel ViewModel.getModel()

Uses of GraphModel in fbench.graph.model

Subclasses of GraphModel in fbench.graph.model
 class AdapterType
          A GraphModel for the interface of an AdapterType element.
 class Algorithm
          GraphModel for Algorithm GraphElement
 class Device
          A GraphModel for a Device instance.
 class DeviceType
          A GraphModel for the interface of a DeviceType element.
 class ECC
          A GraphModel for an IEC 61499 ECC Element.
 class FBNetwork
          A GraphModel for an IEC 61499 FBNetwork Element.
 class FBType
          A GraphModel for the interface of an FBType element.
 class Resource
          A GraphModel for a Resource instance.
 class ResourceType
          A GraphModel for the interface of a ResourceType element.
 class ServiceSequence
          A GraphModel for an IEC 61499 ServiceSequence Element.
 class System
          A GraphModel for an IEC 61499 System Element.

Methods in fbench.graph.model that return GraphModel
static GraphModel GraphModel.forElement(org.w3c.dom.Element el)
          Returns a GraphModel encapsulating the given DOM Element, or null if no such GraphModel exists.