get(String) - Static method in class fbench.ImageIconBank
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class fbench.tree.AlgorithmList
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class fbench.tree.CompilerInfo
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class fbench.tree.Device
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class fbench.tree.DeviceType
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class fbench.tree.DOMTreeNode
Returns true if the receiver allows children.
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class fbench.tree.FBNetwork
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class fbench.tree.FBType
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class fbench.tree.LibraryTreeNode
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class fbench.tree.ResourceType
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class fbench.tree.Service
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class fbench.tree.System
getAllPaths() - Static method in class fbench.dom.StyleSheetSource
getAllSheets() - Static method in class fbench.dom.StyleSheetSource
getArrow() - Static method in class fbench.graph.ECTransition
Returns an arrowhead Shape with lazy initialization.
getAttrDesination() - Method in class fbench.graph.Connection
getAttrSource() - Method in class fbench.graph.Connection
getBounds(Component) - Static method in class fbench.graph.GraphEdge
Computes the bounds in graph space of the given Component, which may be contained in a hierarchy of GraphNodes.
getCenter(Rectangle) - Static method in class fbench.graph.GraphElement
Returns the center point of the given Rectangle.
getChildAt(int) - Method in class fbench.tree.DOMTreeNode
getChildAt(int) - Method in class fbench.tree.LibraryTreeNode
getChildCount() - Method in class fbench.tree.DOMTreeNode
Returns the count of displayable children.
getChildCount() - Method in class fbench.tree.LibraryTreeNode
getChildren() - Method in class fbench.tree.AlgorithmList
getChildren() - Method in class fbench.tree.DOMTreeNode
Returns a Vector of the receiver's children.
getChildren() - Method in class fbench.tree.FBType
getChildren() - Method in class fbench.tree.LibraryTreeNode
Returns a Vector of the receiver's children.
getChildren() - Method in class fbench.tree.VersionList
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class fbench.graph.model.ActionsModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class fbench.graph.model.ECActionsModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class fbench.table.ECActionsTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class fbench.graph.model.ActionsModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class fbench.graph.model.ECActionsModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class fbench.table.ECActionsTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class fbench.table.ElementTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class fbench.graph.model.ActionsModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class fbench.graph.model.ECActionsModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class fbench.table.ECActionsTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class fbench.table.ElementTableModel
getComment() - Method in class fbench.dom.ElementModel
Returns the Element's "Comment" attribute or other remark if anyIf none exists, returns the empty String.
getComponentNamed(String) - Method in class fbench.graph.FB
Returns the contained component with the given name or null if no component with the given name is found.
getComponentNamed(String) - Method in class fbench.graph.GraphElement
Returns the contained component with the given name or null if no component with the given name is found.
getComponentNamed(String, Container) - Static method in class fbench.graph.GraphElement
Returns the component with the given name in the given Container or null if no component with the given name is found.
getDescription(File) - Method in class fbench.FBIconLibrary
getDescription() - Method in class fbench.FBLibrary
getDeselectedColor() - Method in class fbench.graph.Connection
The color for deselected elements of this type.
getDesktop() - Method in class fbench.FBench
getDest() - Method in class fbench.graph.Connection
getDest() - Method in class fbench.graph.IOLink
getDest() - Method in class fbench.graph.Link
getDestPoint() - Method in class fbench.graph.Connection
Returns the middle of the left edge of the destination element, or null if the destination does not exist.
getDestPoint() - Method in class fbench.graph.GraphEdge
Returns the point from which to end drawing the edge.
getDestPoint() - Method in class fbench.graph.IOLink
getDestPoint() - Method in class fbench.graph.ServiceBounds
getDestPoint() - Method in class fbench.graph.ServiceLink
getDestPoint() - Method in class fbench.graph.WithLink
getDetail() - Method in class fbench.dom.events.ElementSelectionEvent
getDocument(String) - Static method in class fbench.Library
New version: searches using file.ext or if only 'file' is given...
getDocument() - Method in class fbench.LibraryElementView
getDocumentBuilder() - Static method in class fbench.Library
Returns the DocumentBuilder with lazy initialization.
getDocuments() - Static method in class fbench.Library
Returns the Hashtable whose values are loaded Documents and whose keys are the corresponding LibraryElement names.
getElement() - Method in class fbench.dom.ElementModel
getElement() - Method in class fbench.graph.GraphElement
Returns the DOM element represented by the receiver.
getElement() - Method in class fbench.graph.ViewModel
getElement() - Method in class fbench.table.ElementTableModel
getElType() - Method in class fbench.graph.AlgorithmComponent
getEndPtComponent(boolean) - Method in class fbench.graph.Connection
getEndPtComponent(boolean) - Method in class fbench.graph.IOLink
getErrors() - Method in class fbench.translate.ParseResult
getErrors() - Method in class fbench.translate.STtoJava
Returns a list of errors encountered.
getFBName() - Method in class fbench.graph.FB
getFile() - Method in class fbench.tree.LibraryTreeNode
Returns the File encapsulated by this node.
getFilename(boolean) - Method in class fbench.LibraryElementView
getFilePath(Document) - Static method in class fbench.Library
getFileSuffixes() - Static method in class fbench.FBench
Returns a list of suitable suffixes for IEC 61499 LibraryElement files.
getFileTreeToVector(String) - Static method in class fbench.SearchFile
getFullDocPath(String) - Static method in class fbench.Library
getGraph() - Method in class fbench.graph.model.Algorithm
getGraph() - Method in class fbench.graph.model.Device
getGraph() - Method in class fbench.graph.model.ECC
getGraph() - Method in class fbench.graph.model.FBNetwork
Returns a Vector of GraphElements (if any) to be used for drawing the graph of the contents of this node.
getGraph() - Method in class fbench.graph.model.FBType
Returns the GraphElements to draw the FBType's outline and its I/O declarations.
getGraph() - Method in class fbench.graph.model.GraphModel
Returns a Vector of GraphElements (if any) to be used for drawing the graph of the contained Element.
getGraph() - Method in class fbench.graph.model.Resource
getGraph() - Method in class fbench.graph.model.ServiceSequence
getGraphElement(String) - Static method in class fbench.FBench
getGraphElements() - Static method in class fbench.FBench
getGraphModel(String) - Static method in class fbench.FBench
getGraphModels() - Static method in class fbench.FBench
getGraphView() - Method in class fbench.LibraryElementView
getGraphView(Document) - Method in class fbench.LibraryElementView
getIcon(File) - Method in class fbench.FBIconLibrary
getIcon(String) - Static method in class fbench.IconFactory
Retrieve an icon with the given name from the repository.
getIcon() - Method in class fbench.tree.Algorithm
getIcon() - Method in class fbench.tree.AlgorithmList
getIcon() - Method in class fbench.tree.Application
getIcon() - Method in class fbench.tree.Compiler
getIcon() - Method in class fbench.tree.DeviceType
getIcon() - Method in class fbench.tree.DOMTreeNode
Returns the icon to be used for display of this element.
getIcon() - Method in class fbench.tree.FBType
getIcon() - Method in class fbench.tree.LibraryTreeNode
Returns the icon to be used for display of this element.
getIcon() - Method in class fbench.tree.ResourceType
getIcon() - Method in class fbench.tree.ServiceSequence
getIcon() - Method in class fbench.tree.VersionInfo
getIcon() - Method in class fbench.tree.VersionList
getIconForFile(String) - Static method in class fbench.FBench
Returns the name of a suitable icon for use in menu items as determined by the suffix of the given file name.
getIconFrom(String) - Static method in class fbench.IconFactory
Retrieve an icon with the given name from specified path.
getIndex(TreeNode) - Method in class fbench.tree.DOMTreeNode
getIndex(TreeNode) - Method in class fbench.tree.LibraryTreeNode
getInstance() - Static method in class fbench.translate.TranslatorSource
getInstances() - Method in class fbench.FBench
getJavaArea() - Method in class fbench.LibraryElementView
getLine() - Method in class fbench.translate.ParseError
getLine() - Method in class fbench.translate.STtoJava
Returns the current line being parsed.
getMainLabel() - Method in class fbench.graph.FB
getMessage() - Method in class fbench.translate.ParseError
getModel() - Method in class fbench.graph.ViewModel
getMouseEvent() - Method in class fbench.graph.popup.DialogModel
getMutationListener(String) - Static method in class fbench.FBench
getMutationListeners() - Static method in class fbench.FBench
getName() - Method in class fbench.dom.ElementModel
Returns the Element's Name attribute.
getName(File) - Method in class fbench.FBIconLibrary
getNoSchemaDocumentBuilder() - Static method in class fbench.Library
Returns the DocumentBuilder with lazy initialization.
getParent() - Method in class fbench.tree.DOMTreeNode
getParent() - Method in class fbench.tree.LibraryTreeNode
getPathToSheet(String) - Static method in class fbench.dom.StyleSheetSource
getPluginManager() - Method in class fbench.FBench
getPluginObjects() - Method in class fbench.plugin.PluginManager
getPreferredBounds() - Method in class fbench.graph.AlgorithmComponent
getPreferredBounds() - Method in class fbench.graph.Connection
If this component contains a source or destination label, returns an appropriate boundary for drawing it plus a connection line; otherwise, returns the bounds of the drawn path.
getPreferredBounds() - Method in class fbench.graph.ECState
getPreferredBounds() - Method in class fbench.graph.ECTransition
getPreferredBounds() - Method in class fbench.graph.Event
getPreferredBounds() - Method in class fbench.graph.FBType
getPreferredBounds() - Method in class fbench.graph.GraphEdge
Returns the preferred bounds of the graph element.
getPreferredBounds() - Method in class fbench.graph.GraphElement
Returns the preferred bounds of the graph element or null if the bounds cannot be computed.
getPreferredBounds() - Method in class fbench.graph.GraphNode
getPreferredBounds() - Method in class fbench.graph.Segment
getPreferredBounds() - Method in class fbench.graph.ServiceBounds
getPreferredBounds() - Method in class fbench.graph.ServiceLink
getPreferredBounds() - Method in class fbench.graph.VersionInfo
getPreferredLayer() - Method in class fbench.graph.AlgorithmComponent
getPreferredLayer() - Method in class fbench.graph.GraphEdge
getPreferredLayer() - Method in class fbench.graph.GraphElement
The preferred layer for plotting the receiver - one of the GraphView constants EDGE_LAYER (bottom), IO_LAYER or NODE_LAYER (top).
getPreferredLayer() - Method in class fbench.graph.GraphNode
getPreferredLayer() - Method in class fbench.graph.VersionInfo
getPreferredX() - Method in class fbench.graph.FBType
Returns the x-coordinate for getPreferredBounds().
getProps() - Method in class fbench.FBench
getResult() - Method in class fbench.translate.STtoJava
Gets the parser result.
getRowCount() - Method in class fbench.graph.model.ActionsModel
getRowCount() - Method in class fbench.graph.model.ECActionsModel
getRowCount() - Method in class fbench.table.ECActionsTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class fbench.table.ElementTableModel
getScaledAtt(String) - Method in class fbench.graph.GraphElement
Get the named attribute, e.g.
getSelectedDoc() - Method in class fbench.FBench
getSelectedElement() - Method in class fbench.dom.events.ElementSelectionEvent
getSelectedGraphElement() - Method in class fbench.graph.ViewModel
getSelectedTreeRow() - Method in class fbench.LibraryElementView
getSelectedView() - Method in class fbench.FBench
getSource(String) - Method in interface fbench.dom.DocumentSource
Returns an InputSource for the given Document name, or null if no source can be found.
getSource() - Method in class fbench.dom.events.ElementSelectionEvent
getSource(String) - Method in class fbench.FBench
Answers an InputSource on a file with the given name and suffix in the src subdirectory tree; if none is found, shows an error dialog and answers null.
getSource() - Method in class fbench.graph.Connection
getSource() - Method in class fbench.graph.IOLink
getSource() - Method in class fbench.graph.Link
getSource() - Method in class fbench.graph.WithLink
getSource() - Method in class fbench.translate.ParseResult
getSource() - Method in class fbench.translate.STtoJava
Returns the Java source.
getSourceLanguage() - Method in class fbench.translate.PassThrough
getSourceLanguage() - Method in class fbench.translate.STtoJava
getSourceLanguage() - Method in interface fbench.translate.Translator
getSourcePoint() - Method in class fbench.graph.Connection
Returns the middle of the right edge of the source element, or null if the source does not exist.
getSourcePoint() - Method in class fbench.graph.GraphEdge
Returns the point from which to begin drawing the edge.
getSourcePoint() - Method in class fbench.graph.IOLink
getSourcePoint() - Method in class fbench.graph.Link
getSourcePoint() - Method in class fbench.graph.ServiceBounds
getSourcePoint() - Method in class fbench.graph.ServiceLink
getSourcePoint() - Method in class fbench.graph.WithLink
getSourceType(Document) - Static method in class fbench.FBench
getSourceType(LibraryElementView) - Method in class fbench.FBench
getState() - Method in class fbench.graph.model.ECActionsModel
getState() - Method in class fbench.table.ECActionsTableModel
getStateAt(Point) - Method in class fbench.graph.model.ECC
getSuffixNumber(File) - Static method in class fbench.FBLibrary
getTargetLanguage() - Method in class fbench.translate.PassThrough
getTargetLanguage() - Method in class fbench.translate.STtoJava
getTargetLanguage() - Method in interface fbench.translate.Translator
getText(boolean) - Method in class fbench.dom.DOMTextModel
getText() - Method in class fbench.tree.AlgorithmList
getText() - Method in class fbench.tree.Application
getText() - Method in class fbench.tree.Compiler
getText() - Method in class fbench.tree.DOMTreeNode
Returns the string to be used to display the tree node.
getText() - Method in class fbench.tree.FBNetwork
getText() - Method in class fbench.tree.LibraryTreeNode
Returns the string to be used to display the tree node.
getText() - Method in class fbench.tree.Service
getText() - Method in class fbench.tree.VersionList
getTextArea() - Method in class fbench.FBench
If an EditorFrame is selected and not iconified, return its text area; otherwise return null.
getTranslator(String, String) - Method in class fbench.translate.TranslatorSource
getTree() - Method in class fbench.LibraryElementView
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class fbench.tree.DOMTree
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class fbench.tree.LibraryTreeNode
getTreeMenu(String) - Static method in class fbench.FBench
getTreeMenuAction(String) - Static method in class fbench.FBench
getTreeMenuActions() - Static method in class fbench.FBench
getTreeMenus() - Static method in class fbench.FBench
getTreeNode(String) - Static method in class fbench.FBench
getTreeNodes() - Static method in class fbench.FBench
getType() - Method in class fbench.dom.ElementModel
Returns the Element's Type attribute.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class fbench.graph.model.ActionsModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class fbench.graph.model.ECActionsModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class fbench.table.ECActionsTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class fbench.table.ElementTableModel
getVector() - Method in class fbench.SearchFile
getXML(Element) - Static method in class fbench.XMLCodeGenerator
getXmlArea() - Method in class fbench.LibraryElementView
GraphEdge - Class in fbench.graph
An edge of a directed graph.
GraphEdge() - Constructor for class fbench.graph.GraphEdge
Initializes an edge of a directed graph corresponding to the given DOM Element.
GraphElement - Class in fbench.graph
A component representing the node or edge of a directed graph corresponding to an Element of the DOM of an IEC 61499 LibraryElement.
GraphElement() - Constructor for class fbench.graph.GraphElement
GraphLayout - Class in fbench.graph
A layout manager for a GraphView panel.
GraphLayout() - Constructor for class fbench.graph.GraphLayout
GraphModel - Class in fbench.graph.model
An ElementModel for a GraphView.
GraphModel() - Constructor for class fbench.graph.model.GraphModel
GraphModel(Element) - Constructor for class fbench.graph.model.GraphModel
GraphNode - Class in fbench.graph
A node of a directed graph.
GraphNode() - Constructor for class fbench.graph.GraphNode
Initializes a node of a directed graph corresponding to the given DOM Element.
GraphView - Class in fbench.graph
A panel for displaying an Element of the DOM Tree of an IEC 61499 XML LibraryElement as a directed graph.
GraphView(Document) - Constructor for class fbench.graph.GraphView
Sets up a GraphView for an IEC 61499 LibraryElement and its graphical sub-elements contained in the specified DOM Document.
GraphViewTransfer - Class in fbench.graph
An importer for LibraryTreeNodes into GraphViews.
GraphViewTransfer(JTree) - Constructor for class fbench.graph.GraphViewTransfer
The prefix for acceptable String data.
GreaterThan - Static variable in class fbench.translate.STtoJava
GreaterThanEqualTo - Static variable in class fbench.translate.STtoJava